Cultural guided tour in Plaus
Ons redactieteam doet altijd zijn best om gedetailleerde en accurate informatie te geven. Het is echter mogelijk dat evenementen worden gewijzigd en dat we ze niet in realtime kunnen bijwerken. Je kunt de precieze data, tijden en programma's rechtstreeks bij de organisator opvragen.The cultural guided tour in Plaus takes place every Wednesday from mid-March to mid-November. Heinrich Kainz accompanies culture lovers through the centre, more precisely along the cemetery wall in Plaus. This wall is adorned with the "Plauser Totentanz" (Plaus Dance of Death), displaying pictorial panels from the 18th century. These are by Luis Stefan Stecher, who expresses local personalities, traditions and dialect with this small "Vinschger world theatre".
"Holt oun, a Wailele, blaib stian, nor woasch vilaicht wia waitrgian": On the cultural guided tour in Plaus you will not only learn more about these aphorisms, but also about painting.
The tour lasts approx. 45 minutes and starts at 10.30 am at the tourist office Plaus. The event will be held in German and Italian only.
Registration is required online, at the tourist office Naturns (Tel. +39 0473 666 077) or with your host by 6 pm the day before.
Tijd van de dag: 10:30 - 11:30 Klok