Südtirol Classic
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Once a year, during the vintage car rally “Südtirol Classic” in Schenna you can see some special vehicles on South Tyrol’s streets.
From 6 to 13 July 2025, many wonderful cars are on their way through Meran and environs, other regions of South Tyrol and the mountain passes of the Dolomites.
They bear melodic names such as Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster or Giulietta, date back at least to the sixties and are virtues for car lovers. In the mornings and in the evenings they can be admired in the village centre of Schenna.

Tourist office Schenna
Erzherzog Johann Platz 1/D - 39017
+39 0473 945669
06.07.2025 - 13.07.2025
Town center - Schenna
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