Lana athletics
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This weekend in April, the international athletics elite will meet at Multistars in Lana.
Lana will again be the venue of Multistars, which is the second largest IAAF meeting in Italy after the Golden Gala in the Olympic stadium in Rome. Top athletes from more than 20 nations will compete in heptathlon and decathlon in the sports area of Niederlana on 24th and 25th April 2021. The young athletes will take part in parallel competitions. Thanks to Lana Athletics, Lana will become an athletics Mecca for both top athletes and up-coming athletes for a weekend.
Further information:
MultistarsPlaats: I-39011 Lana
24.04.2021 - 25.04.2021
Tijd van de dag: 10:00 - 19:00 Klok
Tijd van de dag: 10:00 - 19:00 Klok
Sport zone - Lana
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