Bozen Passion Gala
Ons redactieteam doet altijd zijn best om gedetailleerde en accurate informatie te geven. Het is echter mogelijk dat evenementen worden gewijzigd en dat we ze niet in realtime kunnen bijwerken. Je kunt de precieze data, tijden en programma's rechtstreeks bij de organisator opvragen.Athletic performances on a world-champion level, passion and grace – on Saturday, 4th January 2020 there is a very special evening show in the Eiswelle stadium in Bozen for passionate ice-skating fans.
The audience, for instance, can see Javier Fernández López on ice at the Bozen Passion Gala 2020: The charismatic Spaniard has won the world championships twice in single skating and has won the European championships seven years in a row from 2013 to 2019.
If you would like to get close to the stars during their show in South Tyrol, you can buy a ticket for the meet & greet before the show. Moreover, there are tickets for “gold tables” allowing you to see the Bozen Passion Gala up close and to enjoy a delicious dinner at the same time.
General information:
- Opening: 8:30 pm
- Entrance with the ticket “Meet & Greet”: 6 pm
- Access to the rink: 7 pm
- Tourist office Bozen
- Athesia book shops
- Bazar, Bozen
- Media World, Bozen & Meran
- Non Stop Music, Meran
- Online via
Straat: Südtiroler Straße 60
Plaats: I-39100 Bozen
Tel.: +39 0471 307 000
Tijd van de dag: 20:30 Klok