Concerts in the castle
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„Le Ciastel dla Müjiga – Concerts in the castle“ is a series of concerts in a unique ambience in Alta Badia!
The single concerts of "Le Ciastel dla Müjiga“, which take place from 15th July until 24th August 2020, are really different. In some of the evenings, you can enjoy traditional Tyrolean folk music from the local brass bands in the historical Colz Castle. Other evenings will surprise with modern music or choir music.
The common grounds of the special events are the wonderful location and the Ladin culture.
Colz Castle, commonly known as Ciastel Colz, is located in the picturesque village La Villa and belongs back to the 16th century. The impressive historical building amidst the unique natural landscape of the Dolomites has turned into a cultural meeting point today.
Concerts of Le Ciastel dla Müjiga 2020:
- 15.07.2020 - 9.15 p.m.: Cordes y butons
- 29.07.2020 - 9.15 p.m.: Voxacord
- 04.08.2020 - 9.15 p.m.: Unknown Brass Quintet and De Cater
- 11.08.2020 - 9.15 p.m.: Videomapping
- 24.08.2020 - 9.15 p.m.: Mamblix
Further information:
Alta Badia Tourism CooperativeStraat: Col Alt 36
Plaats: I-39033 Corvara
Tel.: +39 0471 836 176
Op: zondag 07. juli 2019
Tijd van de dag: 21:15 - 22:30 Klok
Tijd van de dag: 21:15 - 22:30 Klok
Ciastel Colz - La Villa
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