Dolomiti Ski Jazz
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In March, you will hear jazz sounds in the middle of untouched nature – in Obereggen, in the skiing area Latemar.
Friends of music and lovers of Jazz shouldn’t miss this event: In the middle of untouched nature in the skiing area Latemar, surrounded by the snow-white Dolomites Mountains, there will be audible jazz sounds from all directions.
Special highlights are the daily concerts which will be held in some ski lodges.
At the Dolomiti Ski Jazz you can combine skiing, nature and music to an unforgettable experience!
Further information:
Eggental TourismStraat: Dolomitenstraße 4
Plaats: I-39056 Welschnofen
Tel.: +39 0471 619 500
06.03.2022 - 13.03.2022
Ski Center Latemar - Obereggen
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