King Laurin Nights in Welschnofen
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The idyllic mountain village Welschnofen in Eggental is waiting for you with a special summer event: The King Laurin Nights!
For three evenings in July and August in Welschnofen in Eggental you have the possibility to go shopping in the evening, to try typical delights, to listen to different music groups and to watch traditional dance groups.
Spend here nice hours with your family or your friends. The nightly landscape in Eggental is beautiful and fascinating. Let yourself be enchanted by that special event.
Further information:
Eggental TourismStraat: Dolomitenstraße 4
Plaats: I-39056 Welschnofen
Tel.: +39 0471 619 500
- wo 16. jul. 2025
- wo 30. jul. 2025
- wo 13. aug. 2025
Tijd van de dag: 19:30 Klok
Village centre - Welschnofen
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