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Strudel Festival

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A freshly baked, still warm apple strudel with raisins and pine nuts, maybe accompanied by a creamy cappuccino… Mhm… We don’t need much more for perfect pleasure!

Tasty strudel can be made in many variations: with shortcrust, puff pastry or strudel dough, sweet with apples, apricots, curd or plums, salty with cabbage, spinach, herbs or vegetables. The richness and the variety of the strudel world can be explored during the strudel festival in the holiday region Seiser Alm. 

This delight festival takes places on 6th September 2019 and enthuses and surprises even demanding gourmets. You can taste many different kinds of strudel, one different from the other, each with its secret ingredients. Many recipes are very old and passed from generation to generation. 

Flavorful highlights are for instance strudel with berries, seasonal vegetables, herbs and mushrooms – appropriate for the transit time between summer and autumn. Enjoy it!

Further information:
Organisator: Seiser Alm Marketing
Straat: Dorfstraße 15
Plaats: I-39050 Völs am Schlern
Tel.: +39 0471 709 600
e-mail: info@seiseralm.it
Web: www.seiseralm.it
Op: vrijdag 06. september 2019
Tijd van de dag: 14:00 Klok
Oswald von Wolkenstein square - Seis am Schlern
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