Spring Half-Marathon Meran
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From Meran to Algund and back to Meran: this is the route of the 27th South Tyrolean spring half-marathon, which takes place on 1 May 2022.
This half-marathon is one of the most popular sports events in South Tyrol. In the last years, about 1600 runners have always participated in the race.
In addition, the South Tyrolean spring half-marathon is also a crowd-puller. Thousands of fans shout encouragement. The atmosphere is marvellous!
Further information:
Sports club Meran Straat: Rennweg 115
Plaats: I-39012 Meran
e-mail: office@marathon-meran.com
Web: www.marathon-meran.com
Op: zondag 01. mei 2022
Tijd van de dag: 09:30 Klok
Tijd van de dag: 09:30 Klok
Meran-Algund - Meran
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