Ski World Cup Gröden

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In the Gröden valley, skiing has a very long tradition – as leisure time activity and as competitive sport.

Every enthusiastic skier knows the notorious “camel humps” of the Saslong slope, which every year anew are a challenge for the world-beating ski racers. 

Almost every year, the international ski circuit stops in the Dolomites in Gröden for two ski races in St. Christina in Gröden, where the best skiers tackle a men’s Super G and a men’s downhill


  • 18.12.2024 | 11:45 am: Downhill training
  • 19.12.2024 | 11:45 am: Downhill training
  • 20.12.2024 | 11:45 am: Men’s Super G
  • 21.12.2024 | 11:45 am: Men's downhill
Further information:
Organisator: Saslong Classic Club
Plaats: I-39047 St. Christina
Tel.: +39 0471 793 450
20.12.2024 - 21.12.2024
Saslong ski run - St. Christina in Gröden
Deel het evenement:

Saslong Classic Club

Saslong Classic Club

Saslong Classic Club

Informatie over de omgeving
