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The Zigglfest in the Bolzano district of Rentsch is celebrated every two years with food, drink and music.
The drawing fountain (Ziggl) gives the Zigglfest its name and is also the symbol of Rentsch. Several associations join forces to organise the popular festival, which brings a summery party atmosphere to the district of Rentsch in the heart of Bozen.
On Saturday, 10 August 2024, there will be a great selection of culinary delights and refreshing drinks from 18:00 in the evening until 01:00 at night. With 2 bands and 2 DJs, a good atmosphere is guaranteed.
2024 provide the musical entertainment:
- DJ Pfattner
- DJ Luky
- Partyvolk
- Brässluft
The following clubs are the organisers in 2024:
- Ziggljugend Rentsch
- HC Flosch‘n
- Musikkapelle Zwölfmalgreien
- Bauernjugend Zwölfmalgreien
- Schützenkompanie Bozen
- FF Bozen
- SSV Handball Bozen
Further information:
ZiggljugendPlaats: I-39100 Bolzano
e-mail: ziggljugend@gmail.com
Op: zaterdag 10. augustus 2024
Tijd van de dag: 18:00 - 01:00 Klok
Tijd van de dag: 18:00 - 01:00 Klok
Centre-Bozner Boden-Rentsch - Bozen
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