Yogurt Days in Sterzing

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For example in September we have dumplings and in October and November chestnuts and new wine. And in summer? In the warm season, Sterzing offers the varied programme of the Yogurt Days!

Yogurt fans from all over the region enjoy this special culinary event that includes not only tastings of different yogurts, but also much interesting information about the Eisacktal, its inhabitants and products. 

Therefore, the organizers always provide a varied program with music, visits to dairies and farm, guided tours through the city of Sterzing and its environs, hiking tours, walks and of course: culinary delights!

Further information:
Organisator: Tourism Cooperative Sterzing - Pfitsch - Freienfeld
Straat: Stadtplatz 3
Plaats: I-39049 Sterzing
Tel.: +39 0472 765 325
e-mail: info@sterzing.com
Web: www.sterzing.com
06.07.2019 - 14.07.2019
Sterzing & environs - Sterzing
Deel het evenement:

IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Manuel Ferrigato

Informatie over de omgeving
