David Garrett Concert Bozen
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As part of his ALIVE TOUR 2022, David Garrett will give a concert at the Eiswelle ice stadium in Bozen.
Good news for all David Garrett fans: On Saturday, 8 October 2022, you can finally experience the violin virtuoso and rock star live again in South Tyrol – at the Eiswelle ice stadium in Bozen.
With songs from his new album ALIVE – My Soundtrack, David Garrett takes his audience on a journey through his private musical world, creating an exciting mix of impressive show and touching melodies.
The concert begins at 9:00 pm and offers a crossover between rock, pop and classic music, with an interesting mix of fast-paced and soulful pieces. The ALIVE TOUR celebrates the emotions of life and the magic of music.
There are 4 ticket categories, with prices between €43.70 and €126.50.
Pre-sale tickets:
- In all Athesia book shops
- Online via www.ticketone.it
Further information:
Showtime AgencyStraat: Rennweg 77
Plaats: I-39012 Meran
Tel.: +39 0473 270256
e-mail: info@showtime-ticket.com
Web: www.showtime-ticket.com
Op: zaterdag 08. oktober 2022
Tijd van de dag: 21:00 Klok
Tijd van de dag: 21:00 Klok
Ice stadium - Bozen
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