Resia Rosolina Relay
Ons redactieteam doet altijd zijn best om gedetailleerde en accurate informatie te geven. Het is echter mogelijk dat evenementen worden gewijzigd en dat we ze niet in realtime kunnen bijwerken. Je kunt de precieze data, tijden en programma's rechtstreeks bij de organisator opvragen.All those who are looking for very special races, will look forward to 5 and 6 September 2025: the race Resia Rosolina Relay will take place this year for the third time.
It is a long relay race over 40 stages and a total of 430 km. The Resia Rosolina Relay is based on the event “Hoodtocast”, which has been held in Oregon/USA for 40 years. The start is in Reschen at 4 am, the finish is in Rosolina Mare. Always along the Etsch River, the runners will cross two Italian regions and five provinces, from the source of the river to the Adriatic Sea.
Relay race in teams of 10
Each team consists of 10 runners, taking turns along the track. Every athlete runs 4 non-consecutive stages (about 10 km each) with a rest period of 90 km between the stages. The race leads through a varied natural landscape and mostly on the cycle paths along the Etsch river. The race takes place withouth interruption during the day and at night.
Registration is possible online at Resia Rosolina Relay: a challenging race that can only be mastered with team spirit and endurance!
Straat: Hauptstraße 22
Plaats: I- 39027 Reschen
Tel.: +39 0473 633 101
Tijd van de dag: 04:00 Klok