Christmas in Ultental
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If you are looking for contemplativeness and an authentic Christmas atmosphere, you should visit the picturesque Ultental Valley before Christmas.
The valley of Ultental and its villages are characterised by authenticity and by a unique natural landscape the whole year round. Also, during Christmas, there are quiet and contemplative events including the rural cultural treasures as well as the magnificent landscape.
Christmas in Ultental
The small but wonderful Christmas market will take place on 4th December and 5th December in the Culten Museum in St. Walburg. Here, you can experience the real Christmas, listen to exciting Christmas stories from times long past and learn more about the traditional smoking. At the stands, you can taste regional specialities.
Further information:
Tourist office Ultental/ProveisStraat: St. Walburg 104
Plaats: I-39016 Ulten
Tel.: +39 0473 795 387
- zo 04. dec. 2022
- ma 05. dec. 2022
Museum Culten - St. Walburg
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