Kids Snow Day
Ons redactieteam doet altijd zijn best om gedetailleerde en accurate informatie te geven. Het is echter mogelijk dat evenementen worden gewijzigd en dat we ze niet in realtime kunnen bijwerken. Je kunt de precieze data, tijden en programma's rechtstreeks bij de organisator opvragen.The Kids Snow Day takes place again this year on Saturday 16th December 2023. South Tyrol’s ski schools and ski lift operators organize this special winter event for all kids aged five to twelve and invite them to go skiing, cross-country skiing and snowboarding.
Free ski pass, skiing courses & equipment
On the Kids Snow Day, children cannot only use the ski lifts at no cost, but also take part in free skiing lessons. In addition, they can borrow the necessary ski equipment at no charge from the ski rentals participating in the event.
Numerous skiing areas in South Tyrol join in the Kids Snow Day at the meeting points communicated by the single ski schools. This time, the main event takes place in the skiing resort Meran 2000 with a varied supporting programme and best entertainment.
Registrations for the South Tyrolean children’s skiing day are possible until 11th December: at the ski schools or on the website of the Kids Snow Day.