International Brass Festival
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The International Brassfestival is held in the elegant ambience of the “Kursaal” Meran and offers three evenings full of Music by international artists.
This year, the organizers of the event present again successful international ensembles of brass music. The concerts are held on 3 evenings in the centre of Meran in the impressive “Kursaal”.
Programme 2025:
- 11 October: Blasmusik Supergroup by Thomas Gansch
- 18 October: Cory Band (England)
The evening is a cultural highlight, not only for fans of brass music!
Further information:
Brass festival MeranWeb:
- za 11. okt. 2025
- za 18. okt. 2025
Tijd van de dag: 20:00 Klok
Kurhaus - Meran
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