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Eggentaler Herbst Classic

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In Deutschnofen in autumn, there takes place a rally that vintage car and mountain fans absolutely shouldn’t miss!

The tour of Eggentaler Herbst Classic leads for four days and over hundreds of kilometres through the most marvellous valleys offered by the mountain world of the Dolomites

The distance that drivers have to do with their time-honoured vehicles starts in Deutschnofen and is divided into prologue and several stages with regularity and required time tests. Every participative team receives a road book and the necessary board cards.

Owners of vintage cars and all other interested people find further information about the veteran rally Eggentaler Herbst Classic including enrolment, route and rules on www.ganischger.com.

Further information:
Organisator: Ganischgerhof Mountain Resort & SPA****S - Ganischger GmbH
Straat: Schwarzenbach 22
Plaats: I-39050 Deutschnofen
Tel.: +39 0471 616 504
e-mail: start@eggentalclassic.it
Web: www.ganischger.com
09.10.2025 - 12.10.2025
Eggental & Dolomites - Deutschnofen
Deel het evenement:

Hotel Ganischgerhof

Informatie over de omgeving
