Palabira Days
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The Pala pear is especially suited to desiccation. It was (and is) not only a popular dried fruit, but also used as a baking ingredient – above all for traditional Christmas pastries. Moreover, it serves as soup vegetable, for jams and in roasted state even as substitute for coffee.
Fruit with medical benefit
Due to the high fibre content and low acidity, the Pala pear was presumed to be very healthful. Nevertheless, this particular pear, which was diffused in Vinschgau in the 17th century, fell into oblivion.
Today you will find some old, but also some new tree population between Mals, Glurns and Naturns. During a festival at the beginning of autumn, you can learn more about this yellow fruit.
Palabira Days in Glurns
The Palabira Days in Glurns include readings and music as well as cookery courses and a farmers’ market, where you can buy pear jam, liqueurs and pastries. In addition, some restaurants of the town look for grandma’s cookbook and serve delicious Pala pear dishes.
Straat: Rathausplatz 1
Plaats: I-39020 Glurns
Tel.: +39 0473 831 288