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Homecoming of cattle in Toblach

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As soon as the summer draws to a close, cows and alpine dairymen come back from the alpine meadows, where they spent the warm season. In Toblach, they are received with a traditional festival.

Down in the village herdsmen, shepherds and their cattles are welcomed with a big pageant through the centre of Toblach, traditional music and tasty specialities from the rural cuisine.

By the way: The best cows (the ones that have produced much milk during the summer) are decorated with elaborate wreaths and crowns. 

Further information:
Organisator: Tourist office Toblach
Straat: Dolomitenstraße 3
Plaats: I-39034 Toblach
Tel.: +39 0474 972 132
e-mail: info@toblach.info
Web: www.drei-zinnen.info
Op: zaterdag 21. september 2024
Tijd van de dag: 12:00 - 19:00 Klok
Village centre - Toblach
Deel het evenement:

Internet Consulting - Isabel G.

Informatie over de omgeving
