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European Cup slalom Obereggen

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The skiing area Obereggen has been venue for European Cups for more than 40 years. In 1983 there took place the first ski race and also today the slalom on the Maierl ski run is a fixed date for top skiers.

Among other things, the importance and popularity of this European Cup in the Dolomites is due to the fact, that it usually takes place relatively early in the race season. Therefore, it is a good opportunity for many athletes to prove their fitness before the beginning of the World Cup. 

Alberto Tomba, Benni Raich, Stefan Eberharter, Mario Matt and Marcel Hirscher… these are just a few examples of famous skiers, which have already been in Obereggen.

Further information:
Organisator: Eggental Tourism
Straat: Dolomitenstraße 4
Plaats: I-39056 Welschnofen
Tel.: +39 0471 619 500
e-mail: info@eggental.com
Web: eggental.com
Op: maandag 16. december 2024
Ski Center Latemar - Obereggen
Deel het evenement:

Obereggen AG

Informatie over de omgeving
