Cellar festival
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Every four years in late summer, the wine village Girlan in Southern South Tyrol invites to a big feast, dedicated to the exclusive and noble wines storing in casks in the cellars.
The wine feast in Girlan traces back to the statement that the underground of the village is larger than the village itself. There is no official confirmation, but in any case it is sure, that in the wine cellars there can be found some very precious treasures.
From time to time, the winemakers of Girlan disclose some of their secrets on the occasion of the wine feast from 5th to 7th August 2022. After a ceremonial opening wine growers, vine dressers and cooperatives allow visitors to take a look at their cellars and of course they open some good wines, too.
Further information:
Tourist Office EppanStraat: Bahnhofstraße 7
Plaats: I-39057 St. Michael-Eppan
Tel.: +39 0471 662 206
e-mail: info@eppan.com
Web: www.eppan.com
05.08.2022 - 07.08.2022
Girlan - Eppan an der Weinstraße
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