Grape Festival in Meran
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The city of Meran knows how to thank for the rich harvest of the year. During the traditional Grape Festival in autumn, the spa town shows its colourful side.
The Grape Festival in Meran, which takes place every year on the third weekend in October, has been held since 1886. Therefore, it is the oldest and at the same time one of the most popular harvest festivals of the region, attracting numerous visitors every year, guests and locals alike.
Colourful market stalls with local products, typical autumn dishes and wines as well as alpine music are on the programme of the Grape Festival weekend this year. On both days, South Tyrolean music bands will give concerts in various places in the city.
The popular parade on Sunday with gorgeously decorated floats, bands, dance groups, traditional costume guilds and much more is will take place this year again as well.
Ulteriori informazioni:
Tourist Office MeranStraat: Freiheitstraße 45
Plaats: I-39012 Meran
Tel.: +39 0473 272 000
18.10.2025 - 19.10.2025
Town centre - Meran
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